BenReddit Creator

AI Reddit Creator

Introducing AI Reddit Creator, your ultimate solution to engaging with the Reddit community. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to create compelling content, participate in relevant discussions, and increase your brand visibility in this massive online platform.

Download the Chrome extension for one-click access to a team of AI assistants.

AI Reddit Creator

Content Creation & Optimization

Craft enticing posts and comments utilizing AI algorithms designed to capture the essence of your brand, whilst appealing to specific interests of the Reddit audience.

Subreddit Identification & Analysis

Discover and analyze the most relevant subreddits for your niche or industry, ensuring your brand gains maximum exposure in the right communities.

Custom Engagement Strategies

Leverage AI-generated insights to develop tailored engagement methods that resonate with your target audience, fostering meaningful connections and boosting brand loyalty.

Performance Monitoring & Adaptation

Track and analyze the performance of your Reddit activities, enabling you to adapt tactics and continuously improve engagement across the platform.

Community Outreach & Relationship Building

Facilitate connections and foster relationships within your target communities, by utilizing AI-powered conversational capabilities to interact with members and establish your brand's presence.

Reddit Campaign Management

Efficiently manage and plan your Reddit campaigns using AI-driven insights, saving time and resources while maximizing your brand's potential for growth and visibility.

Awesome ChatGPT Prompts

Quick access to a diverse collection of engaging ChatGPT prompts designed for quality results. A list of awesome ChatGPT prompts is always available. You can even add your own and favorite the ones you use the most!

OpenAI API Key

Use your personal OpenAI API key to access ChatGPT instantly with a click on the icon or a keyboard shortcut. No login required and instant access to a library of awesome ChatGPT prompts.

ChatGPT Chrome Extension

A ChatGPT Chrome extension designed to increase productivity with ChatGPT. Besides a team of AI Marketing assistants, you get access to a text summarizer, a social share preview creator, Lexica art, and much more. All in one place.

Hi, I'm Amelia, a Reddit Creator, focusing on engaging with the Reddit community, creating compelling content, and participating in relevant discussions. How can I help you?”

Reddit Creator
Identify relevant subreddits

“Which are the best subreddits to target our industry ({{industry}}) and audience ({{target_audience}})?”

Analyze top posts

“What are the common elements among the top posts in the {{relevant_subreddit}} subreddit that we can use for our content?”

Engage with Reddit community

“What strategies can we employ to engage with the {{relevant_subreddit}} subreddit and build a positive reputation?”

Content creation tips

“What are the key aspects to consider when creating content specifically for our intended {{relevant_subreddit}} subreddit in our industry ({{industry}})?”

Monitoring and optimizing

“What metrics should we track and analyze for monitoring our Reddit marketing efforts and optimizing our content on {{relevant_subreddit}} subreddit?”

250+ ChatGPT Prompts

TeamSmart AI comes with a large prompts library. Each AI Assistant has their own set of custom prompts. You can create, delete, and favorite prompts to create you personal prompt library.

AI Social Media Team

ChatGPT Chrome Extension for Social Media

Maximize your output with a custom team of AI assistants for all needs. Easily spread your workload to move faster, without the added cost.

AI Team of specialist.
Some team members have special powers, like summarizing the content of your current page.
One click away.
As a browser extension, your AI robots are everywhere you go. No login, just click the icon or use the keyboard shortcut: Command+Shift+P (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+P.
Product screenshot

AI Social Media Team

Assemble your team of AI Social Media Specialist to help you with all your social media tasks. AI Social Media Content, AI Social Media Ads, AI Social Media Analytics, AI Twitter Content, and much more directly inside your browser.


Download Chrome Extension

Download the Chrome extension and click the icon to open the app.


Create your AI Team

Make a selection of AI assistants that you can chat with and ask for help.


Get the assistance

You can use the extension for the assistance from our AI bots.

Boost your productivity.
Install the extension today.

TeamSmart AI is free to install. Upgrade to Premium for more features with a one-time purchase.

App screenshot